

客户关系管理(CRM)软件可以改变你的业务吸引人的方式, 管理, 关闭, 培养客户.

LBMC技术解决方案使其易于评估, 实现, 并支持您选择的CRM软件,以推动您的业务向前发展. 我们与您一起确定实现目标的途径, then provide solutions to help you get there whether it’s 实现ing out-of-the-box CRM or providing a customized solution to 满足 your unique needs.


  • 通过建立个性化体验来加强客户参与
  • 使用自动化工作流和流程更智能、更快速地工作
  • 通过实时数据获得有价值的见解
  • 使用高级报告和仪表板做出准确、快速的决策
  • Integrate with other business software to maximize efficiency throughout the customer lifecycle
  • 使用企业级安全性保护客户数据


我们希望为您提供最适合您需求的客户关系管理. Our technology specialists are here to help you determine what is the best CRM for your company.



微软Dynamics CRM为您的企业

微软Dynamics 365销售版

Streamline your 销售 process and get seamless Microsoft Office 365 integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Professional. Enable 销售 to easily collaborate across functions within Dynamics 365 customer information and file sharing directly from Microsoft Teams. 在丰富和无缝的移动应用程序中工作, 通过与同事和客户的实时协作,更快地完成交易.

  • 易于设置和集成
  • 随时随地访问
  • 熟悉的用户体验
  • 灵活和可扩展的平台
  • 洞察和分析


Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing

Dynamics 365 for Marketing在整个客户旅程中自动化营销流程. 与微软Dynamics 365销售版无缝集成, 市场营销和销售团队可以一起寻找和培养潜在客户, 完成更多交易, 最大化投资回报(ROI).

  • 自动化电子邮件活动
  • 策划和推广活动
  • 创建登录页面和表单
  • 与销售无缝协作


微软Dynamics 365营销演示视频库

你能用Dynamics 365 marketing支持会话式营销吗?
你能用Dynamics 365 marketing支持会话式营销吗?
Dynamics 365 offer several features for integrating LinkedIn with your marketing and 销售 initiatives.
Dynamics 365 offer several features for integrating LinkedIn with your marketing and 销售 initiatives.
Dynamics 365 Marketing when integrated with Customer Voice brings a rich set of capabilities for asking for feedback.
Dynamics 365 Marketing when integrated with Customer Voice brings a rich set of capabilities for asking for feedback.
如何跟踪活动的有效性在Microsoft Dynamics 365营销.
如何跟踪活动的有效性在Microsoft Dynamics 365营销.
C2如何与您在Dynamics 365 Marketing中创建的内容交互.
C2如何与您在Dynamics 365 Marketing中创建的内容交互.
让我们来看看Dynamics 365是如何帮助营销与销售合作的.
让我们来看看Dynamics 365是如何帮助营销与销售合作的.


与客户建立联系, 建立有意义和持久的关系, 并找出发展业务的机会. 在每个客户交互的单一视图中,您可以销售, 服务, 和前所未有的市场. See why Salesforce customers report 37% more 销售 revenue and 45% higher customer satisfaction.

  • 在一个地方访问信息
  • 提高销售效率
  • 节省时间. 把小事自动化.
  • 让交易随时随地发生.
  • 灵活的报告和仪表板

其他Salesforce信息  |  下载数据表


“三巨头”,“那就是管理他们与客户的关系, 他们与员工的关系以及他们赚钱和盈利的能力. A business might consider themselves “triumphant” if at any given time they have all three of these points in check. So how does Microsoft’s Business Cloud with Office 365 and Dynamics 365 help a business keep these points in check?  嗯……是这样的:

1. 管理客户关系

第一个, 如果任何企业都关心与客户和顾客的关系, 客户关系管理(CRM)解决方案是一个关键的应用程序. Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement is Microsoft’s CRM solution and arguably the most robust yet easy 使用 CRM solution on the market today. A CRM system like Dynamics 365 helps keep your employees and business processes in sync and focused on providing the best possible 服务 to your clients and customers. CRM成为所有与客户相关的事情的记录系统, 充当音叉来衡量客户体验和你的关系. 除了跟踪明显的销售交易, 客户服务问题和其他客户细节, Dynamics 365 can help you track vital back-office needs such as contract management or managing projects as well. 这一点在早期的搜索工作中经常被忽略. 把Dynamics 365看作一个运营平台,而不仅仅是一个伟大的销售和营销工具.

微软Dynamics 365 -智能商业应用程序

重新构想业务流程,以实现组织内部的数字化转型. This video shows how Microsoft Dynamics 365 unifies CRM and ERP capabilities into intelligent applications that work seamlessly together across marketing, 销售, 操作, 客户服务和现场服务. 它还展示了与Office 365的无缝集成, as well as what is possible for your business when using HoloLens as well IoT devices with Dynamics 365 – all to help you engage your customers in new ways, 授权给员工, 优化运营,转变产品和服务.

2.  管理员工关系

但是企业如何改善与员工的关系呢?  好吧,除了明显的“给他们更多”的回应, most employees will tell you that having access to the right tools they need to do their job faster/easier/more efficiently is way up the list.  具体地说, the most commonly requested tools these days are those that support better team communication and collaboration….

”Betty gets tired of having to send an email to Tom in the warehouse every time he needs to ship materials to a job site.”

这就是Office 365真正开始大放异彩的地方.  它不仅能处理你的电子邮件, 还有你的办公软件和文件, 微软团队, Office 365还为你的员工提供了一种新的协作方式.  在没有邮件的情况下一起工作, 走廊里的讨论,或者是众所周知的周五最后一刻5:45的会议.  Microsoft Teams gives your employees the ability to keep tabs on what each person is doing on a project, 工作、任务或客户.  什么是更好的, 这要归功于Office 365和Dynamics 365的内置互操作性, you can connect Microsoft Teams up to your Dynamics 365 (CRM) so that all activity stays in sync between both systems giving the most complete view of your customer, 尽可能的工作或项目.  现在贝蒂不用再给汤姆发邮件了, Tom会自动收到通知,因为他正在使用MS Teams来跟踪工作的进度. Microsoft’s Office 365 and Dynamics 365 solutions can come together to best support your customers and your employees!


Microsoft Teams是Office 365中的一个基于聊天的工作空间,是一个协作中心, 提供对团队一起工作所需的所有信息的安全访问. 在这个视频中, 微软演示了团队可以通过聊天渠道将你的同事聚集在一起, 呼叫, 满足, 存储共享文件.

3.  优化销售效率

但是数字呢? 这一切都很好,但在一天结束的时候,对底线的影响是什么. 并不是说它会印钱, 但是Power BI, 微软的商业智能解决方案, 能帮助你确保你保持盈利吗.  作为微软商业云的最新成员, Power BI是微软对需要博士学位的旧报告编写软件的回答.D. 使用.  作为下一代基于云的商业智能工具, Power BI is built on Microsoft’s Cortana Intelligence Suite providing the power of machine learning algorithms that can tell you what you should important business trends you should look at.  这是正确的, a reporting tool that tells you what revenue or other business trends you might need to address.

Power BI can either host or directly connect to one or many data sources and allows users to easily create compelling reports, 视觉/图形,并将它们添加到仪表板,可以分享给其他用户.  再一次, 得益于内置的Office/Dynamics 365互操作性, Power BI can directly connect to your Dynamics 365 (CRM) and retrieve data such as 销售 or 服务 metrics, 客户计数和汇总,或者查看系统中的用户活动.  然后, 在创建了Power BI仪表板之后, 你可以很容易地在Dynamics 365中显示相同的仪表盘.

Microsoft Power BI:现代和企业的未来

Power BI enables clients to build a data culture in their organizations by empowering analysts and enabling agile enterprise BI. Microsoft Business Cloud use cases like these should be the objective of any business looking to adopt a cloud-based business systems infrastructure. 大多数企业都会同意, 今天的企业仍然有无数的其他挑战需要解决. It’s best to work with a technology firm like LBMC技术解决方案 that can help you navigate and evaluate the growing number of cloud solutions.  作为微软金牌合作伙伴, LBMC技术解决方案 has the experience to help you maximize the benefits of the Microsoft Business Cloud.

有兴趣了解更多有关微软解决方案的信息? 明升体育app下载.


我们在这里确保您在CRM投资上获得最高的投资回报率. Our experts will provide a plan to help you gain a deep understanding of the product and its capabilities for your organization.


LBMC技术解决方案可帮助您在几周内部署CRM软件,而不是几个月. We’ve developed a proven way to get your CRM up and running so you can begin managing your 销售 cycle and getting more insight into your prospects’ and customers’ activities.


Our Re-Start Program is designed to analyze the root causes of a possible failed 实现ation and help you re-boot. We work closely with your staff to determine why the current CRM is not providing the expected level of benefit, 然后对您的环境进行战略性更改,以最好地与您的业务目标保持一致.